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Broaster Chicken

  • Area Req
    500 - 1500 Sq.ft
  • Investment Range
    AED. 2lac - 5lac
  • Franchise Outlets
    - NA -
Business Details

Partner With Genuine Broaster Chicken

“Broasting®” is a unique cooking method developed in1953 when Broaster’s inventor and founder L.A.M. Phalen combined the principles of a pressure cooker and a deep fryer into one process. The results – in quality, flavour and cooking speed – were revolutionary.

Why choose us?

  • A proven American Favourite for
  • More than 60 years
  • Present across 16 countries
  • Trusted by over 5000 operators in us
  • Patent pressure frying equipment unique in-house marinades and coatings

Investment Details

Commenced Operations

Operations Commenced On 2015

Franchising / Distribution Commenced On 2015

Franchise Details


Investment AED. 2lac - 5lac

Franchise/Brand Fee - NA -

Royalty/Commission- NA -

Expansion Locations

Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Franchise Details

Exclusive territorial rights to a unit franchise No

Performance guarantee to unit franchisee No

Anticipated percentage return on investment - NA -

Likely pay back period of capital for a unit franchise - NA -

Other investment requirements - NA -

Property Details

Type of property required for this franchise opportunity - NA -

Floor area requirement 500

Preferred location of unit franchise outlet - NA -

Training Details

Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes

Franchisee training location At head office

Is field assistance available for franchisee? Yes

Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes

Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes

Agreement & Term Details

Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Yes

How long is the franchise term for? 5-No of years Year

Is the term renewable? Yes

Insta Apply
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